
A Walk Through Time
The Hall dates back to 1946 when a Trust Deed was laid down by Charles Wells Ltd (The famous Brewers), and the then Houghton Regis Parish Council.
There was a Pub on the site originally.
The Parcel of land is on the North Side of The Green, about 90 feet in length.
The depth on the west side is about 150 feet.

The Purpose Of The Hall
The Trust Deed reads that the property shall be used to provide recreational, educational, and social activities or otherwise as may be found expedient for the benefits of the people of Houghton Regis without distinction of sex, disabilities, political, religious, ethnic or other opinions or persuasions.
This video presentation was made in the hall's Anniversary Year 2022, groups shown were meeting at that time.
The Opening Ceremony Of The Hall
The Opening Ceremony of the Hall took place on Saturday the 1st of June 1957
The Speakers on that day were:
S.L. Ashdown, Esq., Chairman of the Fund Committee.
Miss D.M. Milnes, M.A., Secretary, Bedfordshire Rural Community Council.
LT. COL. D. C. Part, O.B.E., PRESIDENT OF THE FUND, Who officially opened the Hall.
Blessing The Hall
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and the Holy Ghost, Amen.
V. Our help is in the name of the Lord
R. Who hath made Heaven and Earth
V. The Lord be with you
R. And with thy spirit
Prayer of Dedication (The Vicar of Houghton Regis)
Lesson from the Old Testament (Pastor Williams – Methodist Church)
Lesson from the New Testament (Mr.P.Wilson – Baptist Chapel
The Lord’s Prayer
The Doxology
Praise God from whom all blessings flow
Praise Him all creatures here below
Praise Him above the heavenly host
Praise Father Son and Holy Ghost.